Itisprocessed through die cast and is sealed with imported resin andbyimported special equipment. 经压铸处理,由进口树脂通过进口特殊设备密封。
The new type insulation cylinder used in cast resin transformers 新型结构绝缘筒在浇注型干式变压器中的应用
Sculpture manufacturing and field engineering in various materials of our company are as follows: stainless steel, forge copper, cast copper, gild, resin, stone and sandstone. 公司承接各类不锈钢、锻铜、铸铜、贴金工艺、树脂、石材、砂岩等材质的雕塑制作及安装工程。
Model LZBW-10 is a modified type based on the original oil-immersed transformer, the main insulation adopts cast epoxy resin, the integral transformer body is contained and enclosed in a tank. LZBW-10型系在原油浸互感器的基础上改制而成,主绝缘采用环氧树脂浇注,整个器身装在箱体内并密封。
So in preparation for that I squared things up on the table, used a laser level and made a raised tape line so David can cut off the styrene tail cone and make the cast resin part. 因此,在准备为我的平方东西放在桌上,用激光水平,并提出了提高磁带线,使国宝可以切断苯乙烯尾锥,使树脂浇注的一部分。
A valve box, a valve pillar and a water meter basin shall be of cast iron, synthetic resin, and concrete, etc. 阀门箱,阀门柱和水表井应由铸铁,合成树脂和混凝土等构成。
All castings are cast by resin sand, and impellers are machined with monolithic pouring technology. 齿轮为五级精度硬齿面,所有铸件均为树脂砂铸造,叶轮为整体浇注。
By decreasing the grade of cast iron, using furan resin selfsetting sand as a substitute for clay sand to make the core and prolonging cooling time in mould, the cracking problem has been solved. 通过降低材料牌号,使用呋喃树脂自硬砂取代粘土制芯,延长铸件在型内冷却时间,使裂纹缺陷问题得到解决。
Whether the final product will be bronze, cold cast porcelain pre-painted statue, or resin kit, their sculpting process is the same. 无论最终的产品将是青铜,冷铸瓷彩涂雕像,或树脂套件,其雕刻工艺是相同的。
The Development of Cast Resin Transformers and Its Requirements to Insulating Materials 浇注变压器的发展及其对绝缘材料的要求
A study of cold cast insulating Pu IPN resin filled with sio_2. sio2填充型聚氨酯ipn绝缘冷浇注树脂的研究。
Influence of different expansion coefficient plaster cast material on resin denture accuracy 不同膨胀系数石膏模型材料对树脂义齿精度影响的研究
This type of current transformer is a semi-enclosed cast resin insulated construction and an improvement based on the construction of the old product LAJ-10. 本型电流互感器为半封闭环氧树脂浇注绝缘结构,是在老产品LAJ-10结构基础上加以改进而成。
The Environmental Aspects Analysis For Epoxy Cast Resin Dry-type Transformers 环氧树脂浇注干式变压器环保特性分析
Technical Statistic Investigation on the Kiss Gating System of Cast Iron Wheel Casting method and Equipment Used for Resin Sand-Coated Permanent Mould Cast Wheel Hub Castings 铸铁轮类件压边浇冒口工艺统计研究轮毂类铸件覆砂铁型铸造工艺及设备
Epoxy cast dry-type distribution transformer high-voltage coil sealed by epoxy resin casting, using epoxy resin performance, cracking, high temperature, high mechanical strength, long life. 环氧浇注干式配电变压器高低压线圈都由环氧树脂浇注密封,所采用的环氧树脂性能好,抗裂,耐高温,机械强度高,寿命长。
The operation of cast resin dry type power transformers is mainly depended on its thermal characteristics. 干式变压器内部的温升情况直接影响到变压器的实际运行。
Development and Application of Outdoor Cast Material of Epoxide Resin 户外环氧树脂浇注料的研制与应用
The tensile stress distributions on the crown and residual dentin under three kinds of abutment which were a natural tooth, a Co Cr cast core and a composite resin core were analyzed. 分析在天然齿基牙、钴铬合金基牙及复合树脂基牙情况下,铸造玻璃陶瓷全冠的瓷层内及残余牙本质的应力分布情况。
Author does some design on tube union and ball valve aiming at that. Vacuum level directly influences on the quality of cast resin, so author makes some design on vacuum static seal in this thesis. 真空度直接影响了电子本体和偏转线圈的灌封质量,故本文对灌封设备真空静密封进行了一定的研究与设计。
Not only facility equipment flexibility and maintainability, but also provide solid base for enlarging cast resin equipment development in other application field. 不仅增强了设备的配置灵活性和可维护性,提高了设备快速更新换代的能力,而且为扩大真空灌注设备在其它领域的应用提供了保证。
Research of Open Control System for Cast Resin Fibre-Strengthened Equipment 纤维增强环氧树脂灌注设备开放式控制系统的研究
Prevention of fissured nitrogen hole in cast iron produced with resin sand 树脂砂生产铸铁件裂隙状氮气孔及其防止
An Approach to the Foundry Method of Large Nodular iron Crankshaft Cast with Furan Resin Sand Mould 呋喃树脂自硬砂型铸造大型球铁曲轴工艺探讨
Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation on Cast of Fetal Nasal Microvasculature by a Resin Replication Method 胎儿鼻粘膜微血管铸型扫描电镜观察
Dust Accumulation and Its Effect on Insulation Surface of Cast Resin Dry-Type Transformer 树脂浇注干式电力变压器绝缘积尘及其影响
Casting Process Feature and Common Defects Analysis for Cast Iron Casting With Funan Resin Sand 铸铁件呋喃树脂自硬砂铸造工艺特点及常见缺陷分析
Thermal endurance property of cast resin for dry-type transformer 干式变压器用浇注料耐热性评定